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[안내] 화공신소재공학과 연구 소개 온라인 세미나 (조수연 교수)

작성자 : 운영자
작성일 : 2023-03-09 09:55:39
조회수 : 718
화공신소재공학과 연구 소개 온라인 세미나 (조수연 교수)

시간 : 2023년 3월 9일 11:00-12:15
온라인 줌 강의실 : https://ewha.zoom.us/j/99799489440?pwd=QUxTRHJhdzY2aUxCeWNWeTMxejNuQT09 (비밀번호 : 3277)

Engineering active sites of two-dimensional materials for active hydrogen evolution reaction

Prof. Suyeon Cho

Division of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Graduate Program in System Health Science and Engineering, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, 03760, Republic of Korea

E-mail addresss.cho@ewha.ac.kr


Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is a promising clean and sustainable energy source with zero carbon emissions. Numerous studies have been conducted with versatile low dimensional materials, and the development of highly active electrochemical catalysts for HER is one of the most important applications of the materials in these studies. Despite such extensive research, the physical origin of the active catalytic performance of low dimensional materials remains unclear, and is distinguished from that of classical transition metal-based catalysts. Here, we review recent studies on the intrinsic catalytic activity of two-dimensional (2D) semimetals, particularly among transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), highlighting promising strategies for the design of materials to further enhance their catalytic performance. One attractive approach for active HER involves fabricating single-atom catalysts in the framework of TMDs. The electrochemical reaction at a catalytic atom for hydrogen evolution has typically been described by the Sabatier principle. Recent studies have focused on optimizing the Gibbs free energy for hydrogen adsorption via down-sizing, alloying, hybridizing, hetero-structuring, and phase boundary engineering, mostly with TMDs. The unique advantages of TMDs and their derivatives for HER are summarized, suggesting promising research directions for the design of low dimensional electrochemical catalysts for efficient HER and their energy applications.

Keywords: Two-dimensional materials, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), layered structure, hydrogen evolution reaction, Gibbs free energy


[1] Jeong Hyo KimDa Yeon Lee, N. Ling, Y. Lee, H. Yang*Suyeon Cho*, Engineering active sites of two-dimensional materials for active hydrogen evolution reaction, Advanced Physics Research, accepted (2023)

[2] Jeong Hyo KimDa Yeon Lee, Y. A. Eshete, H. Yang, Suyeon Cho* "Efficient hydrogen evolution reaction at the phase transition boundary of polymorphic Mo1-xWxTe2" APL Materials10, 061107 (2022),

[3] Y. Lee, N. Ling, D. Kim, M. Zhao, Y. Eshete, E. Kim, Suyeon Cho*H. Yang*, "Heterophase Boundaries for Active Hydrogen Evolution in MoTe2", Advanced Functional Materials, accepted (2021)

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